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  1. To understand attitudes towards loyalty programs, we conducted primary research among both loyalty program practitioners (n=1,224) and consumers (n=4,721). This research was fielded across the US, UK, Canada, Brazil and Singapore, between October 24 - November 2, 2018, and December 19-20, 2018 (Singapore consumers only). To qualify, consumers must have been at least 18 years of age, participants in at least one loyalty program, and the primary or shared decision maker when it came to what loyalty program to participate in. Loyalty practitioners qualified based on being within one of following industries: High Frequency Retail, Finance, Specialty Retail, Travel/Hospitality, Consumer Packaged Goods or Automotive, being able to speak to the management of their company’s loyalty program and reporting a minimum revenue of $250 million. Significance testing was conducted at the 95% confidence interval level. Consumer data was weighted on age, gender and region based on census data. No weighting was applied to the practitioner data.
  2. To size the loyalty industry, we also conducted secondary research from July 2018 - January 2019. We collected annual revenues of companies that manage customer loyalty. In addition, we looked at companies in CRM and analytics that create and measure campaigns and drive segmentations, and the companies that enable loyalty and customer management. Programs and companies all around the world were in scope, with a focus on companies that are more than $10 million in size. For global programs of significant size, a proportionate split of loyalty revenue was made across regions. Where companies fit into multiple categories, each was placed into the most appropriate one. Several candidates for which a number from a year or longer before was identified have resulting estimates obtained by inflating that identified number forward using known membership growth rates or vertical/country sales growth rates. Additional secondary research took place from January to March 2019, from sources such as press releases, annual reports, loyalty program proprietary websites, research reports, and third-party publications.
  3. “Predicting the future of markets, tracking marketing excellence, and improving the value of marketing since 2018.” The CMO Survey. August 2018.